Abed A. Rahman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abed A. Rahman)


derstandard.at: Hamas-Führung nicht am Mord israelischer Teenager ...derStandard.at

— "Abed a-Rahman Ghaminat, deported to the Strip under Gilad Shalit deal, coordinated attack with top Hamas official in Turkey." mehr anzeigen.

hate crimes Archives+972 Magazine

Khaled Abed a-Rahman Dar Khalil inspects the damage inside his home, which was. 'Price tag' attacks: It's not about the graffiti. By +972 Magazine June 14, ...

Jordanian FM: Prisoners in Israel will be returned this weekIsrael National News

— Abed a-Rahman Marei's famile claims that he has cancer. Jordan recalled its ambassador to Israel last week in protest against the arrests, which ...
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