Ahmad El-Sayed Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ahmad El-Sayed)


(1 - 4 von 34

Weltweite Fahndung: Zwei Poker-Räuber flüchtig - n-tv.de

Zwei der so genannten Poker-Räuber sitzen in U-Haft. Gestern Abend hatte die Polizei den 20-jährigen Ahmad El-Awayti aus Berlin-Kreuzberg gefasst. Zwei weitere...

Egyptian doctor master conceptual photography - CNN Video

▶ 5:52Trained as a doctor, Ahmad El-Abi proves art doesn't have to be so serious and has secured Instagram ...

Back that ass up: Egyptian man jailed for naming donkey after Sisi |...

An Egyptian man has been arrested for naming his donkey after Abdel Fattah al Sisi.

How making nice with Tehran boosts ISIS

Ahmad El Assaad is the founder of Saving the Next Generation and the Lebanese Option Party, the opposition political party to Hezbollah in ...
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