Ahmed Ouda Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ahmed Ouda)


(1 - 4 von 7

La pioggia non spaventa i Runners Madouh e El Kannoussi vincono la...

Issam Madouh in campo maschile e Mina El Kannoussi nel settore femminile. Sono stati i due portacolori di S.a. Valchesie e Atletica Saluzzo i vincitori della...

U.S. suggests Egyptian military may have averted civil war | Reuters

Egypt may have avoided a civil war this month, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday, saying this was one factor to weigh as Washington decides...

Western News - Engineering students look to Reduce Barriers

Ahmed Ouda, Sasha Van Dinther, Athina Wilson and Phil Protomanni presented the 'Innovative Steering Wheel' at last week's First-Year ...

Morsi's suit and statements in court cause controversy - Politics

The deposed presidents refusal to wear the customary uniform for defendants and recognise the court or its proceedings on Monday stirred debate
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ahmed Ouda
Mohamed Ahmed
Vorname "Ahmed" (7738)
Name "Ouda" (18)
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