Alan Ereira Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alan Ereira)


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Actualidad: Luna kogui sobre Londres. Colombia inspira al Reino Unido...
... por el británico Alan Ereira para la cadena de televisión BBC en la década de los noventa y que fue visto por millones de personas.

Guardian: The Nine Lives of John Ogilby review – a cunning cartographer |...

Alan Ereira’s subject is a mysterious 17th-century figure: translator, master of revels and producer of England’s first road atlas

Alan Ereira ALUNA - screening and talk | Programme › programme
Director/Producer Alan Ereira presents and talks about ALUNA, the follow up to his film The Heart Of The World.

Guardian: What Colombia's Kogi people can teach us about the environment |...

The Kogi people are warning society of destruction we face if we fail to embrace nature
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Alan Ereira
Terry Jones
Vorname "Alan" (7477)
Name "Ereira" (3)
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