Alec Ross Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alec Ross)


(1 - 4 von 58
) USA: Über 100 Millionen Dollar für freies Internet in autoritären...

Der US-Regierung gehe es darum, dass Menschen sicher und anonym kommunizieren können, auch wenn eine Regierung die Netze abschalte, sagte US-Diplomat Alec Ross...

How connective tech boosts political change - CNN
Media and government have been disrupted by citizens with internet connections. But what the implications of this?

Digital Diplomacy - Game Changers - TIME
Meet Alec Ross, Hillary Clinton's ambassador for Internet freedom

My conversation with Alec Ross: How technology will change our...
Alec Ross's new book offers in-depth analysis of the relationship between technology and government, business, and education, and predicts how future...
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