Ana Hauer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ana Hauer)


(1 - 4 von 7

Praça no Atuba homenageia empresária de Curitiba
— Thereza, filha de Luiz Leitner e Ana Hauer Leitner, nasceu em Curitiba em 8 de julho de Neta de João Leitner, ... › pr...

Clipping from Detroit Free Press -
Yats, who Is an elderly man, re fused to consent to the plans ana Hauer offered to take hla place at the wheel of his machine. › clip

Canada, Puerto Rico emerge victorious to reach CWU17 semis
— Ana Hauer #13 and Rosa Maalouf of Canada celebrates after scoring against Costa Rica in the quarterfinal match of the Concacaf Women's ... › canada...
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