Anas Nashif und Linux Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anas Nashif)
(1 - 38 von 62

Building a Wearable Device with Zephyr -
Anas Nashif summarizes Zephyr's progress, as well as plans for next year. Linaro's Andy Gross talks about plans to integrate device tree in Zephyr. Intel's Marcel Holtmann discusses using Zephyr on the BBC micro:bit board.

Category: events - Open Build Service
Anas Nashif from Intel Alexander(Sasha) Kanevskiy from Nokia Martin Mohring from Linux Foundation Jan-Simon Möller from Linux Foundation Andreas Jaeger from ... › events

OpenIoT Summit | Linux Conferences and Linux Events | The Linux...
The only IoT event focused on the development of IoT solutions, the new OpenIoT Summit is a technical event created to serve the unique needs of system...

The Zephyr Project Celebrates 5th Linux Foundation
— Proposals were reviewed by the Programming Committee, which includes Anas Nashif, Intel; Carles Cufi, Nordic Semiconductor; Jonathan Beri, ... › ...