Annegret Stuhr und Phytoplankton Person-Info 

( Ich bin Annegret Stuhr)
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Was Phytoplankton-Physiologie mit dem Klima zu tun hatInnovations Report
— Bild: Annegret Stuhr/GEOMAR. Neue Studie zum Stickstoff-Phosphor-Verhältnis im Ozean. Pflanzliches Plankton spielt eine entscheidende Rolle ...

Do Oceans Absorb More CO2 Than Expected? | ResearchECO Magazine
Do Oceans Absorb More CO2 Than Expected? Posted On August 8, Phytoplankton seen through a microscope. Photo: Annegret Stuhr, GEOMAR.

Phytoplankton NewsHelmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Photo: Annegret Stuhr/GEOMAR (CC-BY 4.0). Anyone who has ever visited the North Sea knows that the water here is very rarely bright blue. Most often it is ...

What Phytoplankton Physiology has to do with Global ...ECO Magazine
— (Image credit: Annegret Stuhr/GEOMAR). Phytoplankton in the ocean are central to the global carbon cycle as they perform photosynthesis ...