Sabrina Anzaldua Cavazos Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sabrina Anzaldua Cavazos)


(1 - 4 von 15
) Grenze USA/Mexiko: Tränen am Rio Grande - DER SPIEGEL

— »Wir waren hier, bevor es die Grenze gab«, sagt Reynaldo Anzaldua Cavazos. »Die Grenze kam über uns, nicht andersrum.«. › Ausland

Texas family's land seized for border wall despite Biden's ...
— Anzaldua Cavazos, who is in his 70s, told the newspaper that he doesn't know how much longer he will have left to fight the battle over his ... › te...

First lady awards diplomas to Misawa seniors
Sabrina Cavazos receives her diploma and a hug from first lady Michelle Obama during the Quantico Middle/High School graduation ceremony on Marine Corps ... › igphoto

Harlingen Stingrays continue success in high-school Special ...
— 4th Place Sabrina Cavazos 4th Place David Arriega 3rd (Bronze) Jesus Vargas 3rd (Bronze) Sarah White 4th Place Pablo Lopez › harlingen-st...
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