Bashar Al-Assad Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bashar Al-Assad)


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Syria may lift civil limits | Philadelphia Inquirer |
[Philadelphia Inquirer] - By Garrett Therolf and Jeffrey Fleishman CAIRO - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad tried to retain control of his protest-roiled nation Sunday, sending troops to the site of recent clashes and promising through subordinates to eliminate a nearly

Syria in the balance
[] - Will President Bashar al-Assad and his fellow Alawites cling grimly to power, possibly seeking to divert attention from domestic affairs by picking a fight with Israel? If they fall, will the Sunni majority take fearful revenge on a Shia sect that has

Google News: Hillary Clinton: No US Intervention In Syria Because Assad Is A “Reformer”…

[Weasel Zippers] - I'm not saying I want America to intervene in Syria, but no reasonable person would consider the Iranian-puppet and jihadist-supporting Bashar al-Assad a “reformer,” if anything you could make a case for Gaddafi after he gave up his WMD program during

In Siria il governo resiste
[Il Post] - Ieri il governo siriano ha schierato le forze di sicurezza nella città settentrionale di Latakia in seguito a delle proteste sfociate in scontri violenti tra i manifestanti antigovernativi, la polizia ei sostenitori del presidente Bashar al-Assad.
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