Bernd Michael Jacobs Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bernd Michael Jacobs)


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Google execs discussed Java license before Oracle filed suit
[San Jose Mercury News] - But Oracle attorney Michael Jacobs told the judge that if the case goes to trial, his side will present evidence that Google "didn't just program in Java. They adopted the entire architecture." Google has also asked US patent authorities to review the

Safety MEC gets an ultimatum
[Independent Online] - Its chairman Michael Jacobs, who also attended the discussion, said: “Dan Plato is not in touch with the community. He doesn't know what the issues are and was the wrong man for the job. Plato's attitude towards the community stinks.

Names and Faces
[Gazette.Net: Maryland Community News Online] - Maryland Cyber Investment Partners of Catonsville named Michael Jacobs to its board of advisers. Previously, Jacobs was a vice president and director of the cyber and national security program for SRA International and information assurance director at

Google News: Sun曾建议谷歌1亿美元许可Java专利遭拒绝

[腾讯网] - 甲骨文律师迈克尔·雅各布斯(Michael Jacobs)向法官表示,谷歌在Android中采用了Java的“整体架构”。 万尼斯特表示,“我们的观点是,我们没有侵犯与Java有关的专利,没有故意侵犯专利。” 今天披露的法庭文件显示,甲骨文
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