Björn Trauzettel und Topological Person-Info 

( Ich bin Björn Trauzettel)
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Topologische Nanoelektronik - innovations report
Prof. Dr. Björn Trauzettel, Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Physik IV, Universität Würzburg, T + , Originalpublikation: Interacting topological edge channels, Nature Physics, 28.

New Fundamental Nanoelectronic Device Based on HgTe, a Topological...
A revolutionary discovery has been made by physicists at the University of Würzburg who have developed a fundamental nanoelectronic device based on the...

Topological nanoelectronics
In this context, the team led by Professors Laurens Molenkamp and Björn Trauzettel was able to demonstrate for the first time ever interaction ...

Topological Insulators – From Materials Design to Reality
Claudia Felser, Shoucheng Zhang, and Binghai Yan catch a snapshot of the materials and applications aspect in the field of topological insulators.