Boris Johnson und London Mayor Person-Info 

( Ich bin Boris Johnson)
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London Riots 2011: Denkpause (2) - Freitag
[Das Meinungsmedium] - „I find it a bit rich [hier wohl: absurd, lächerlich, sg] when Cameron and the London Mayor, Boris Johnson, blather [schwätzen, schwafeln, faseln etc., sg] about looters [Plünderer, sg], when they both belonged to the Bullingdon Club at Oxford 'Riots Reveal the Decay of British Society'

[Spiegel Online] - London Mayor Boris Johnson, who was heckled Tuesday during a visit to a damaged shopping street in Clapham, has said that plans to cut police numbers should be reconsidered in the light of the violence. The riots come less than a year before London is Showdown with the Mob Cameron Fights for Law and Order

[Spiegel Online] - London Mayor Boris Johnson has also returned from his holiday early, as has Interior Minister Theresa May and opposition leader Ed Milliband. Parliament has been recalled from the summer recess, and on Thursday it is set to convene an emergency session SPIEGEL Interview with London Mayor Boris Johnson - SPIEGEL ONLINE

In a wide-ranging interview with SPIEGEL, London Mayor Boris Johnson discusses his recent Churchill biography, his views on Britain's planned referendum on EU...