Brian Moynihan und Chairman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Brian Moynihan)
(1 - 35 von 50

BofA CEO Moynihan bank's highest-paid executive for first time |...
Bank of America Corp Chief Executive and Chairman Brian Moynihan received a higher year-end compensation award for than any other executive at the bank,...

Guardian: Bank of America shareholders fail to split CEO and chairman roles |...

Brian Moynihan retains combined title with 63% of vote despite third of shareholders’ move to uphold financial crisis decision in to separate duties

Bank of America investors vote to keep Brian Moynihan in both top jobs
Shareholders reject plan to strip the chief executive and chairman of one of his titles after governance debate

Bank Of America’s Brian Moynihan Survives Chairman-CEO Vote - Wealth-X
Bank of America Corp. shareholders voted to let Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan keep both jobs at the company, a vote of confidence for the