Brit Rodemund und Dance On Ensemble Person-Info 

( Ich bin Brit Rodemund)
(1 - 19 von 28

Catalogue (First Edition) - PACT Zollverein
In William Forsythe’s duet ›Catalogue (First Edition)‹ for DANCE ON ENSEMBLE, Brit Rodemund and Christopher Roman demonstrate how time and space are defined by movement. Technique meets the creativity and composure of experienced dancers. When their hands touch at the end of this piece, they seem to become part of one continuous artistic ...

7 Dialogues | Showing | Tanzfabrik
Over the next two years the Dance On Ensemble will be working on a repertoire for dancers over 40. For the first production “7 Dialogues“ the...

Künstlerhaus Mousonturm - DANCE ON ENSEMBLE Catalogue (First Edition)...
As part of the Hollins University’s summer programme, Brit Rodemund will be dancing the piece with Christopher Roman. She contributed from the start to the development process of Catalogue. In a talk following the twenty-minute performance, Rodemund and Roman will speak about their work with Forsythe and the DANCE ON ENSEMBLE. ...

7 Dialogues | Showing | Tanzfabrik
Ausschnitte mit anschließendem Gespräch Das Dance On Ensemble erarbeitet in den kommenden zwei Jahren ein Repertoire für Tänzer 40+. Für die...