Carlton Cole Person-Info 

( Ich bin Carlton Cole)


(1 - 4 von 153
) Manchester City vs. West Ham United: Carlton Cole ...Spiegel

— Carlton Cole kommentierte in der BBC die Defensive seines Ex-Klubs West Ham United. Dabei bemühte er einen »völlig inakzeptablen« Vergleich.

Carlton Cole shows signs of improvement | The Times
“Carlton Cole should be shot. Worst player to ever wear the West Ham colours” - Never Say Die, Oct 6. “Carlton Cole deserves full praise for producing a ... › sports › mls › video-embedCarlton Cole expects increased playing time with Republic FC ...
▶ 3:251, 2016, former English Premier League star Carlton Cole talks about how good it was to get on the Bonney ...

Carlton Cole misses Soccer AM penalty to cost Boro fans …
· Carlton Cole misses Soccer AM penalty to cost Boro fans £ so sends them the money himself. The former West Ham striker was a guest on Soccer AM on Saturday morning. Share
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