Chase Smith und Senator Person-Info 

( Ich bin Chase Smith)
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) Margaret Chase Smith - DER SPIEGEL

Margaret Chase Smith, 66, republikanische Senatorin des US-Bundesstaates Maine, die sich als erste Amerikanerin um eine Präsidentschaftskandidatur bewirbt, kauft allmorgendlich für 1,20 Mark ... Margaret Chase Smith - DER SPIEGEL

Margaret Chase Smith, USA-Senatorin, hat eine Weltkonferenz der Frauen vorgeschlagen. In einem Rundfunkinterview erklärte sie, es könne vielleicht etwas dabei herauskommen, wenn ein Halbdutzend ...

The Unfavored Daughter: When Margaret Chase Smith Ran in the New...
Ellen Fitzpatrick writes about Margaret Chase Smith, the Republican senator from Maine who sought the Presidency in

SMITH, Margaret Chase | US House of › People › Detail
For more than three decades, Margaret Chase Smith served as a role model for women aspiring to national politics. As the first woman to win election to both ...Congress(es): 76th (1939–1941), 77th (1941–1943), 78th (1943–1945), 79th (1945–1947), 80th (1947–1949), 81st (1949–1951), ...Biography: For more than three decades, Margaret Chase Smith served as a role model for women aspiring to national politics. As ...Party: RepublicanOffice: Representative, Senator For more than three decades, Margaret Chase Smith served as a role model for women aspiring to national politics. As the first woman to win election to both ... Congress(es): 76th (1939–1941), 77th (1941–1943), 78th (1943–1945), 79th (1945–1947), 80th (1947–1949), 81st (1949–1951), ...Biography: For more than three decades, Margaret Chase Smith served as a role model for women aspiring to national politics. As ...Party: RepublicanOffice: Representative, Senator