Chris Dodd und Hollywood Person-Info 

( Ich bin Chris Dodd)
(1 - 15 von 22

EXCLUSIVE: Chris Dodd warns of Hollywood backlash against Obama over...
Hollywood's top lobbyist and former Sen. Chris Dodd is threatening to cut off campaign funds to President Obama's re-election effort because of anger over the...

Streit um Internet-Piraterie in den USA - Hollywood vs ...
· Chris Dodd bei der Vorstellung eines Reformvorschlags im März zu dieser Zeit war der Politiker der Demokraten noch Senator. Heute setzt er sich vornehmlich für die Interessen der ...

MPAA's Chris Dodd on Trump, Hollywood: 'This Industry Is Fearless' -...
While acknowledging the challenges of the global economy and new U.S. administration, MPAA chief Chris Dodd keeps a hopeful outlook.

MPAA's Chris Dodd: Attack on Sony 'despicable, criminal' - Los...
The head of the Hollywood studios' chief lobbying arm on Friday called the cyberattack on Sony Pictures