Chris Schlaeger und Linux Person-Info 

( Ich bin Chris Schlaeger)
(1 - 26 von 33
) LinuxCon Europe: Linus Torvalds spricht im Oktober in Düsseldorf |...

Der Linux-Erfinder nimmt an einer Diskussionsrunde auf der LinuxCon Europe teil. Auch der frühere Ubuntu Community Manager wird auf dieser Konferenz sprechen,...

10 Lessons from 10 Years of Amazon -
· In his keynote at LinuxCon Europe, Chris Schlaeger, Director Kernel and Operating Systems at the Amazon Development Center in Germany, ...

Featured Speakers | Embedded Linux Conference Europe | Linux...
Linux Foundation events provide a neutral collaborative environment to advance the state of the art of Linux and network and education opportunities in the...

Suse Linux founder leaves Novell
· Another key Suse person believed to have left Novell is Chris Schlaeger, vice president of research and development at Suse Linux, although ...