Christoph Semmelmann Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christoph Semmelmann)


Serene Summer GamesLyceum Alpinum Zuoz
The reliable goalkeeper, Christoph Semmelmann, held one penalty and reversed over 30 shots to his goal. Accordingly, the result was very close. The school ... The reliable goalkeeper, Christoph Semmelmann, held one penalty and reversed over 30 shots to his goal. Accordingly, the result was very close. The school ...

ZUOZZEITUNG TECH TRIP USA SUMMER GAMES › Zuozzeitung-tech-trip-usa-summer-games
Die Bowling-Leistung von Christoph Semmelmann und Max Welte war schlichtweg zu gut, um einen Ball auch nur an die Nähe der Boundary zu schlagen. Auch ...

TV › html › chronik › chronik_
Die vier Kriegsheimkehrer, denen zu Ehren die Bäume gestiftet wurden, waren Andreas Feil, Friedrich Feil, Georg Pechmann und Christoph Semmelmann. Letzterer ...

Zuoz Zeitung doczz
... Best Cricketer and Ruehland All-Rounder both awarded to Christoph Semmelmann for his tremendous contribution to the Football and Cricket Old Boys XIs. › doc › zuoz-zeitung
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