Daniel Schwaag und Elegant Embellishments Person-Info 

( Ich bin Daniel Schwaag)
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City TEDxBerlin

Allison Dring is an architect and co-founder of elegant embellishments, formed in as an architectural start-up, with the stratetgy of self-initiating projects for condition-specific spaces. Along with Daniel Schwaag, she initiated and produced proSolve370e, a decorative, three dimensional module that reduces air pollution in cities.

Bir cepheden çok daha fazlası - deutschland.de

Bu tür önlemlere bir alternatif de Berlinli genç mimarlık firması “elegant embellishments”ın iki mimarı Allison Dring ve Daniel Schwaag düşünmüş. Onlar tarafından geliştirilen çelik ve plastik bazlı bina cephesi havadaki ince partikülleri azaltıyor.

Smarte Beschichtungen für Design und Architektur - Haute ...

“Intelligente Oberflächen und luftreinigende Beschichtungen in der Architektur”, Daniel Schwaag (elegant embellishments Ltd.). › events › smarte-be...

Innovation: Diese Fassade verschlingt den Smog

— Die Entwicklung stammt von dem jungen Berliner Startup „elegant embellishments“ der beiden Architekten Allison Dring und Daniel Schwaag. › Technologie › WiWo Green