Diethard Rudert Person-Info 

( Ich bin Diethard Rudert)


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Visit of the delegation from the Federal Ministry of Food ...КазАТИУ
Diethard Rudert introduced the attendees to the new head of the APD project, Jorg Dinkelaker, whose appointment was approved by the Federal Ministry of Food ... Diethard Rudert introduced the attendees to the new head of the APD project, Jorg Dinkelaker, whose appointment was approved by the Federal Ministry of Food ...

мәжіліс депутаттары «жасыл апта » халықаралық ...Қазақстан Республикасының Парламенті
Andreas Gramzov пен dr. Diethard Rudert (диалог менеджері) мырзалармен Қазақстан-Германия агросаяси үнқатысуы мәселелері жөнінде Астана қаласында кездесу ... Andreas Gramzov пен dr. Diethard Rudert (диалог менеджері) мырзалармен Қазақстан-Германия агросаяси үнқатысуы мәселелері жөнінде Астана қаласында кездесу ...

Linken-Kreisverband gedenkt in Lindhardt ermordeter Sozialisten...
· Zusammen mit Hans-Jürgen Voß, Manfred Gatzsch, Uwe Seifert, Diethard Rudert und anderen kümmerte er sich in den Folgejahren um die Pflege des Gedenksteins. So auch im Oktober, als der Sturm ...

Visit of the delegation from the Federal Ministry of Food and ...
624 "International Projects and Partnerships", BMEL., Diethard Rudert - head of the APD project, Andreas Gramcov - Doctor, BMEL General Representative for Agricultural Exhibition "AgriTek / FarmTek" S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University was visited by the head of the APD project, Diethard Rudert, ... › news › V... › news
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