Dr. Christiane Clados Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dr. Christiane Clados)


Vortrag: "Defensa de los pueblos indígenas y la administración de...

, Dr. Christiane Clados (LMU München): Das Figürliche im Abstrakten - Bildanalyse und Deutung eines visuellen Systems in den voreuropäischen ...

Round Table Visualizing Hypotheses: Practical Handling of ...

PD Dr. Christiane Clados; Heike Messemer ... in Digital 3D Models, which is organized by Christiane Clados (University of Marburg) and Heike ...

The Farther Shores of Literacy: Amerindian Graphic invention and the...

2010 Burdick-Vary Symposium:   New World peoples had already invented a huge range of graphic systems when Europeans brought the alphabet to America. Colonial...

Exhibition focuses on work of UW-Madison’s Christiane Clados

"This is Christiane Clados' mission," he continues Christiane Clados: "Reconstructing the Pre-Columbian World," Friday, Sept. 24,
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