Dr. Frank Gindele und Medical Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dr. Frank Gindele)
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Hermetic mini LED is autoclavable for medical applications ...eeNews Europe

AP — ... Dr. Frank Gindele, Development Manager for LED products at SCHOTT Electronic Packaging. The Mini LED is available in both customer-specific AP — ... Dr. Frank Gindele, Development Manager for LED products at SCHOTT Electronic Packaging. The Mini LED is available in both customer-specific ...

Leuchtdioden: Steriles Licht – Archiv/Embedded Systeme – Medical...

Medizinische Geräte, die mit dem menschlichen Körper in Kontakt kommen, müssen immer wieder dampfsterilisiert werden, ohne dass dabei ihre Leistungsfähigkeit...

Newswire & Press Release / The World’s First Autoclavable...

The new Solidur™ Ring LED for integration into the designs of dental and medical devices - SCHOTT.com

The World’s First Autoclavable Ring-Shaped High Brightness LED from...

The new Solidur™ Ring LED for integration into the designs of dental and medical devices - The