Dr. Wolfgang Schwegmann Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dr. Wolfgang Schwegmann)


IVS Newsletter. Inauguration of TTW: A New Star in the VGOS Universe...

The Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG) and the Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI) jointly operate an IVS Combination Center My predecessor at BKG, Wolfgang Schwegmann, took over the combination task from Sarah at the newly created BKG/DGFI Combination Center at the end of ...

GGOS Steering Committee selected new GGOS components

The GGOS Web Portal will be developed and hosted by the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), Frankfurt, with Dr. Wolfgang Schwegmann being the GGOS Portal manager. The Fourteens Steering Committee Meeting, which was held jointly with the IAG Executive Committee Meeting, was very ...

Plettenberg’deki Dura Tesislerinde yangın çıktı - Panorama News

Yangına müdahale etmek için Plettenberg’in yanısıra Lüdenscheid, Attendorn, Herscheid ve Werdohl şehirlerinden çok sayıda destek itfaiye ekibi çağırıldı.

Brand bei Dura in Plettenberg: Letzte Einsatzkräfte abgerückt |...

Wie Wolfgang Schwegmann, der Leiter für Arbeitsschutz Europa und Asien vor Ort gegenüber come-on.de bestätigte, konnten sich alle Dura-Mitarbeiter, ...
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