Emile Baron Person-Info 

( Ich bin Emile Baron)


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Khune's return puts Chiefs back in the frame

[Independent Online] - "I phoned Emile (Baron) and Moeneeb (Josephs) when they were chosen as No.1 recently to encourage them. If I get to play in all the 12 league matches

Spiegel.de: Kurzpässe: Messi schreibt Geschichte, Serbe geht zu Fuß zur WM -...

Vier Tore im Viertelfinale der Champions League - das hat noch keiner vor ihm geschafft: Lionel Messi sorgt weiter für Superlative. Ein serbischer Fan hat sich...

Emile Baron: Latest News, Videos and Emile Baron Photos | Times of...

Latest Emile Baron News, Photos, Blogposts, Videos and Wallpapers. Explore Emile Baron profile at Times of India

South Africa goalkeeper Baron to miss World Cup | Reuters

South Africa goalkeeper Emile Baron will miss the World Cup finals after being told his injured shoulder needed surgery, his club said on Wednesday.
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