Emile Pitre Person-Info 

( Ich bin Emile Pitre)


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Black students' four-hour sit-in in led to big UW changeswww.seattletimes.com › seattle-news › education › b...

· Fifty years ago, when Emile Pitre joined dozens of other African-American students in a sit-in at University of Washington administrative ...

Young pair practice essence of citizenship | The Seattle Times

Sometimes for your own mental and emotional well-being, you have to say something, write something, do something. Chelsea Adams was having trouble getting to...

50 years ago, sit-in led to changes at university - Our Weekly

In 1968, Black students at the University of Washington held a...

Department of History | CSUSB

Picture courtesy the Emile Pitre Collection and Larry Gossett Collection. All rights reserved. All India Radio's Antique Radios Collection. Project name: “Radio for ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Emile Pitre
John Peters
Vorname "Emile" (615)
Name "Pitre" (194)
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