Ralu Emo Girl Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ralu Emo Girl)


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Die Girls von St. Trinian 2 - Auf Schatzsuche

[WESER-KURIER online] - Die Schülerinnen, egal ob Streberin, Tussi und Emo-Girl raufen sich zusammen und begeben sich gemeinsam auf eine abstruse Schnitzeljagd.

Pain brings limited gain

[New York Post] - While she has the cool intensity and defensive snarl of an emo girl, we gradually realize that her unrest goes beyond teen posing.

Guardian: Have you been watching … Criminal Minds?

[The Guardian (blog)] wry, intelligent Prentiss; and my favourite, Garcia, a Day-Glo, hyperactive brew of pop culture nerd, emo girl, earth mother and computer whizz.

Machine Gun Kelly, Willow perform 'Emo Girl' on 'Late Late Show' - UPIwww.upi.com › Music › › Machine-Gu...

· Machine Gun Kelly joined forces with Willow to perform their new single "Emo Girl" on "The Late Late Show with James Corden."
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Vorname "Emo" (47)
Name "Girl" (1120)
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