Name-Verzeichnis - Name / Person-Info zu "Foote Wilson"

Personen mit dem Nachnamen "Foote Wilson"

Infos zu "Foote Wilson"

Zu Foote Wilson gibt es bei Yasni 2 unterschiedliche Namen.

Foote Wilson ist in der Rangreihe der häufigsten Nachnamen bei Yasni auf Platz 2426.

Bedeutung von "Foote"

Old Norse spelled "Fotr" meaning foot of a mountain or hill, referring to a family or clan that lived at the foot of the mountain or hil. Surnames did not exist at that time for Scandinavians. When migrated to Anglo-land "England" it was spelled Foote in Old English. The E is silent. It is spelled and pronounced as an Old English word. It is not a French name, which some assume it was pronounced Foo-Tay, this is incorrect.

(Eingesendet von Ricky Willis)

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