Frank Karlitschek und German Person-Info 

( Ich bin Frank Karlitschek)
(1 - 25 von 25

IT Made in Germany gegen Überwachung durch die USA -
... Sloud” und dem Outlook-Add-on IDGuard sowie die von dem Österreicher Frank Karlitschek gestartete Open-Source-Lösung “ownCloud“. Security Holes: German Parties and Ministries Vulnerable To Hacking...

Politicians in Germany are warning about the threat of hacking attacks, but when it comes to their own data, many are too careless. SPIEGEL reporting has...

From the Developer to the User and back – …
At the openSUSE conference Frank Karlitschek, KDE e.V. board member and well known for his projects like GetHotNewStuff,, announced a new project during his keynote. The title: “From the Developer to the User and Back; or Project Bretzn”. A Bretzn is a kind of pretzel in Germany and what the name means in practice became only clear at the end of the keynote…

European Commission sets out to tame privacy issues in the ...
Nov 15, · “A legal framework or guidelines how to handle cloud data and what rights and obligations users and companies have, in my opinion can be helpful,“ Frank Karlitschek, Chief Technology Officer at owncloud - a German provider of a free and open-source web application for personalised cloud storage - said.