Fred Roeder Person-Info 

( Ich bin Fred Roeder)


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How the new coronavirus could send shockwaves through the world...
Like previous outbreaks, the flu-like disease poses a risk to economies around the world as fear and confusion lead to abrupt changes in behaviour, decreased...

Birth announcements: Families celebrate new additions -
Anspaugh, Amanda M. and Derek S., of Jackson, a son, Cole David, born Sept. 13, 6 pounds, 3 ounces at Allegiance Health.  Grandparents are Sue and Jack...

Opinion: Liberals want to build their campaign around pharmacare, but...
While a national plan would be an attempt to further control the price of drugs, it could also lead to a major supply problem in Canada

Guardian: EU helps countries crack down on food firms selling inferior › inequality › sep › european...

· However, the move was attacked by Fred Roeder, the managing director of the Consumer Choice Center, an organisation campaigning for ...
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