Julia Fuqq You Person-Info 

( Ich bin Julia Fuqq You)


A serious question: we are losing too many poli sci majors. what...

Tha fuqq you talking about? 1 year ago # QUOTE 0 YEA 2 NAY! Thelma. I did the smart thing and left for a policy school. Polisci is dying. 1 year ago # QUOTE

Unfortunately, Quantum Break Looks a Bit Rubbish | N4G

Fuqq you talkin bout bruh?? I want this to be a smash hit. I never could understand why some people want games to be bad, as gamers, ...

Inigo tells Julia: You are amazing | ABS-CBN News

Showbiz newcomer Inigo Pascual is not hiding his admiration for onscreen partner Julia Barretto, whom he referred to as 'amazing' in a message on Instagram...
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