Gabriella Nagy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gabriella Nagy)


(1 - 4 von 18

Affair revealed: Woman sues Rogers Wireless Inc. for ruining her...
A Toronto woman is suing Rogers Wireless Inc. for ruining her marriage.Gabriella Nagy, who subscribed to Rogers wireless services, requested her billing be...

Una mujer denuncia a su compañía telefónica por arruinar su › Tecnología
Gabriella Nagy, de 35 años, reclama más de medio millón de euros a la empresa . Según Nagy, había pedido a la compañía que enviara la ...

Woman sues Rogers over cellphone bill, says it ruined her marriage -...
Husband left her after discovering an affair with the help of an invoice, suit alleges

Woman to sue phone company after husband discovered affair through...
A Canadian woman is suing a mobile phone company after her husband discovered she was having an affair through her itemized phone bill and left her.
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