Graham Chapman und Python Person-Info 

( Ich bin Graham Chapman)
(1 - 49 von 194
) SPIEGEL Interview with John Cleese - SPIEGEL ONLINE

In an interview, British comedian John Cleese talks about his time as a comedian with Monty Python, the permissability of Muslim satire -- it is -- his...

Gilliam reveals the surreal world of Monty Python art -
Few are in doubt that the legendary Monty Python troupe elevated comedy to an art form. But visual art was as much a part of their identity as silly walks and...

Monty Python Reunites in NYC: How Amazingly Unlikely |
You don't know how adorable it can be for a 10-year-old girl to impersonate a Spanish Inquisitor until you've seen it in person. Last night, as the five...