Guy Broadbent und Healthcare Person-Info 

( Ich bin Guy Broadbent)
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GE Healthcare steht vor Übernahme von Xcellerex Inc. und erweitert...
Zusammenschluss mit Wachstumsunternehmen schafft integriertes, umfassendes Branchenangebot, ausgerichtet auf Kostensenkung, Produktivitätssteigerung und...

GE 헬스케어, 엑셀러렉스 인수해 고성장 바이오제역 제조부문의 역량 확대
【챌폰트세인트자일스[영국]=BW/뉴시스】 --고성장 기업 인수로 통합, 종합적인 제공 능력 구축해 비용절감, 생산성확대, 시장진입 시간단축에 주력할 것 -- GE[뉴욕증권거래소:GE] 사업부인GE 헬스케어[GE Healthcare]는 고속성장 중인 바이오제조 산업에 혁신적인 제조기술을...

GE Healthcare To Acquire XcellerexContract Pharma
— Guy Broadbent, president and chief executive officer of Xcellerex, commented, "We are very excited to become part of GE Healthcare's Life ...

GE Healthcare to Acquire Xcellerex Inc.Pharma Manufacturing
— Welcoming the acquisition, Guy Broadbent, President and CEO of Xcellerex, said, "We are very excited to become part of GE Healthcare's Life ...