Harald Dobnig und Vitamin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Harald Dobnig)
(1 - 17 von 31

Study shows more benefits of sunshine vitamin | Reuters

People with a vitamin D deficiency are as much as twice as likely to die compared to people whose blood contains higher amounts of the so-called sunshine...

Low vitamin D levels associated with death fr | EurekAlert!

Individuals with lower blood levels of vitamin D appear to have an increased risk of death overall and from cardiovascular causes, according to a report in the...

FOCUS: Vitamin D: Unterschätzter Schutzschild - FOCUS Online

„Ein heißes Thema“ “Vitamin D ist derzeit ein heißes Thema”, berichtet auch Harald Dobnig von der Universität Graz. Auf der Tagung der amerikanischen “Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie ...