Harold Scott Person-Info 

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Google News: Nesmrteľný Scotland Yard zažil slávu aj škandály

[Pravda.sk] - "Komisár Harold Scott poskytol tvorcom maximálnu pomoc, aby ukázali autentický policajný život, vrátane toho, že umožnil nakrúcať v sídle Scotland Yardu," podčiarkol Fido. Film mal taký silný ohlas, že zastrelený Dixon vstal z mŕtvych na televíznych

After Decades of Accidents and Avoidance, Intersection of Prospect and Harding ...

[Patch.com] - "I remember getting the call from Harold Scott, one of our first aid guys, and he said 'you know your mom's been involved in an accident' and I just wasn't surprised when I heard it happened here," said Neff. Susan Murray said she's opted to use Spring

Guardian: Sir Paul Stephenson's resignation: the former Met boss has a tale to tell

[The Guardian] - Sir Harold Scott was one of the Metropolitan police's most distinguished commissioners, serving from to and having the job of recreating the force in the wake of the second world war. In his memoir, Scotland Yard, he recounts how the

REGION: County as…r appoints second in command

[North County Times] - Harold Scott, a veteran Arizona tax official, joined San Diego County last week to help oversee the county's as…r/recorder/clerk's office. Scott, 61, was appointed the office's second-in-command by As…r Ernest Dronenburg.
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