Henri Paul und Dodi Fayed Person-Info 

( Ich bin Henri Paul)
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Dianas Fahrer durfte im Dienst trinken

"Niemandem war es erlaubt, während der Dienstzeit Alkohol zu trinken, aber Henri Paul genoss einen Sonderstatus", sagte Thierry Rocher, ehemaliger Nachtmanager des Hotels, in dem Diana und ihr Freund Dodi Fayed vor ihrem Unfalltod ...

Henri Paul 'not supposed to be Diana's driver'

The man who drove Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi Fayed knew that he should not have been at the wheel, a court heard yesterday.

Diana and Dodi's final embrace - and the mystery of driver Henri...

Intriguing questions have been raised about the behaviour of chauffeur Henri Paul on the night he drove Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed to their deaths. Despite...