Iain Lea und Unix Person-Info 

( Ich bin Iain Lea)
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Heise.de: heise Netze - Common NNTP Extensions

Geoff Huston -- Original author of ANU NEWS Barber Informational RFC Common NNTP Extensions October Phil Lapsey -- Original author of the UNIX reference implementation Iain Lea ...

Re: [leafnode-list] groups always listed as new

If it's any use I'm using: hostname:~/.tin# tin -V tin pre-1.4 release [UNIX] (c) Copyright Iain Lea. Reading global config file. ...

(IUCr) Internet Guide - Newsgroups - News-reading Software

... tin ftp://ftp.germany.eu.net/pub/news/newsreader/unix/tin Iain Lea (.de) UNIX X11 xrn ftp://ftp.x.org/contrib/applications/xrn xvnews ...

tin (newsreader) - zxc.wiki

· tin is a text-based newsreader for Unix- based operating systems and was originally written by Iain Lea. It is a further development of Richard ...