Ina Kirmes und Dna Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ina Kirmes)
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Ausgehungerte Zellen verdichten ihre DNA – Innovations Report
Ina Kirmes, Doktorandin in der Gruppe von Dr. George Reid am IMB, hat untersucht, was genau mit der DNA in diesen Zellen passiert, die von der Sauerstoff- und Nährstoffversorgung abgeschnitten sind. In einer gesunden Zelle sind große Teile der DNA offen zugänglich. Das bedeutet, dass Gene einfach abgelesen werden können, sodass die Zelle ...

Cells starved of oxygen and nutrients condense their DNA
Sep 11, · Ina Kirmes, a PhD student in the group of Dr. George Reid at IMB, investigated what happens to the DNA in cells that are cut off from their oxygen and nutrient supply. In a healthy cell, large parts of the DNA are open and accessible. This means that genes can be easily read and translated into proteins, so that the cell can function normally.

Veränderungen der DNA | MTA – Das Portal
Aleksander Szczurek / Ina Kirmes Dramatische Effekte der Ischämie: Die beiden Bilder zeigen DNA in einem Zellkern unter normalen (links) ...

Strangled cells condense their DNA
This deprives affected cells there of oxygen and nutrients (a condition known as ischaemia) and can cause long-term damage, meaning that the person may never fully recover. Ina Kirmes, a PhD student in the group of Dr George Reid at IMB, investigated what happens to the DNA in cells that are cut off from their oxygen and nutrient supply.