Ingrid Hehmeyer und Islamic Person-Info 

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DAVO-Nachrichten Band 35 Januar PDF Free Download
On 2 August, Prof. Dr. Ingrid Hehmeyer (Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada and Göttingen University) water lifting devices, followed by a hands-on session using the models and instruments in the museum. Prof. Hehmeyer held a lecture on medical sciences with special regards to the Islamic contributions.

Konflikte um Wasserwirtschaft und Wasserrechte. Vom Ende der Antike...
Sep 02, · Ingrid Hehmeyer (Ryerson University, Kanada): Customary versus Islamic Law: Sharing Water in Medieval Yemen 11:45 – 12:00 Abschluss / Conclusion / Conclusioni. 13:00 – 15:00 Exkursion / Excursion / Escursione