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) Stimulus Program Success: 'Scrapping Bonus' Injects Life into German Car Sales - SPIEGEL ONLINE

A new measure to pay owners of old cars €2,500 to junk their wrecks and buy something new has proven popular in Germany. In fact the idea is ... Stimulus Program Success: 'Scrapping Bonus' Injects Life into German Car Sales - SPIEGEL ONLINE

A new measure to pay owners of old cars €2,500 to junk their wrecks and buy something new has proven popular in Germany. In fact the idea is ... Life After the Despot: Libya Settles Uneasily Into Life After...

Moammar Gadhafi may have been toppled, but his presence is still felt in Libya. Rebel leaders are seeking to restore order as the country reinvents itself...

Jade Rabbit Returns to Life |
Jade Rabbit, the Chinese lunar rover that experienced mechanical problems last month, could potentially be saved, state media reports. The moon rover was...
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