Iron Lady und British Person-Info 

( Ich bin Iron Lady)
(1 - 12 von 17
) The Iron Lady's Views on German Reunification: 'The Germans Are...

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher bitterly opposed Germany's reunification. 'We beat the Germans twice, and now they're back,' she allegedly...

Opinion: Why Thatcher was the 'Iron Lady' | CNN
Tom Rogan says Margaret Thatcher helped change the face of the British economy and helped win the Cold War for the West.

Farewell to the Iron Lady: British PM Margaret Thatcher (1925–2013) |...
Whatever you thought of Margaret Thatcher — and during an unbroken stretch in office from to '90, the former Prime Minister, who died on April 8 after a...

Margaret Thatcher, Britain's Iron Lady, Dead at ABC News
Margaret Thatcher was the first woman ever to serve as prime minister of Great Britain and the longest-serving British prime minister of the 20th century.