Jamal Berakdar und University Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jamal Berakdar)
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IMPRS Workshop 2018: From Models to Reality (

Jamal Berakdar Martin-Luther University. Speaker at Multifunctionality Through Interfacial Multiferroicity Kevin Bethke HU Berlin. Speaker at Thin Film Thermoelectric Materials made from Earth Abundant Materials Maria Blanco-Rey Universdad del País Vasco UPV/EHU. Speaker at ...

Spintronics: Faster data processing through ultrashort electric pulses

"We were after a fast and energy-efficient alternative," explains Professor Jamal Berakdar from the Institute of Physics at MLU. He and his colleagues from Lanzhou University came up with a simple idea. By using ultrashort pulses in the terahertz range, information could be written in magnetic nano-vortices and retrieved within picoseconds.

New Spintronics-Based Concept Could Improve Magnetic Data Storage,...

Jamal Berakdar, Professor, Institute of Physics, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. The basis for the new concept proposed by the team ...

The Toroidization of Quantum Matter - Advanced Science News

Jonas Wätzel and Professor Jamal Berakdar of Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, go a step further and show how to trigger ...