James Creswick und Health Person-Info 

( Ich bin James Creswick)
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Our House is on Fire – A perspective from the World Health...

Our House is on Fire – A perspective from the World Health Organisation (James Creswick) Kalender. Zum Kalender hinzufügen Zu Timely-Kalender hinzufügen Zu Google hinzufügen Zu Outlook hinzufügen Zu Apple-Kalender hinzufügen Einem anderen Kalender hinzufügen Als XML exportieren Wann: 12. November


... and James Creswick, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Bonn (Germany) will present on "Climate change and Health: WHO perspectives.

ENBOTS selected side events coverage for 11 May 2017

This side event, moderated by James Creswick, WHO, presented an overview and examples of concrete initiatives through which the public health community is supporting actions to implement the Paris Agreement. Elizabet Paunovic, Head of the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, ...

RAMSES ::  Webinars

"Climate change and Health: WHO perspectives". James Creswick, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe - Bonn, Germany ...