Jan-Peter Busch und Ceo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jan-Peter Busch)
(1 - 7 von 7

Goal: Double the workforceDesay SV Automotive Europe GmbH

— "We are pleased to start a new chapter in our company's development with a strong partner," said Jan-Peter Busch, Managing Director and CEO — "We are pleased to start a new chapter in our company's development with a strong partner," said Jan-Peter Busch, Managing Director and CEO ...

NewsAntenna Technology Center (Europe) ATC GmbH

— "We are pleased to start a new chapter in our company's development with a strong partner," said Jan-Peter Busch, Managing Director and CEO of — "We are pleased to start a new chapter in our company's development with a strong partner," said Jan-Peter Busch, Managing Director and CEO of ...