Kim Jeong Dae Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kim Jeong Dae)


North Korea launches multiple missiles, triggering alerts in ...Northern California Public Media
Launching them so close to South Korean territory, Kim Jeong-dae says, could be seen as a kind of "area denial strategy that blocks the combined forces [of the ...

News brief: North Korean missile tests; Ethiopian cease fireNorthern Public Radio
— KIM JEONG-DAE: (Speaking Korean). KUHN: So he says, "North Korea staged a very threatening provocation at a magnitude we've never seen before.

The late Kim Dae-jung of South Korea leaves a complex legacy that...
Former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung, who died this month, made great headway in bringing improved relations with North Korea, writes guest columnist...
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Vorname "Jeong" (96)
Name "Dae" (119)
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