Job Boekhoven und Professor Person-Info 

( Ich bin Job Boekhoven)
(1 - 11 von 15
) › berichte › biowissenschaften-chemie › v...Vorbild Natur: Supramolekulare Materialien, die sich selbst ...
Um sie wieder in ihre Bestandteile zu zerlegen, muss man viel Energie aufwenden“, erklärt Job Boekhoven, Professor für Supramolekulare ...

EU Funding for Research at TUM | myScience / news / science wire
Prof. Job Boekhoven is Professor of Supramolecular Chemistry. Hybrid perovskites are semiconductors that comprise organic and inorganic components. They have the potential to be used as highly efficient materials - for example, for solar cells and LEDs of the future - as they can convert light into power very effectively, are easy to ...

5 Coolest Things On Earth This Week - GE Reports
“Nature does not produce garbage dumps,” says Job Boekhoven, professor of supramolecular chemistry at the university. “Instead, biological cells are constantly synthesizing new molecules from recycled ones. Some of these molecules assemble into larger structures, so-called supramolecular assemblies ...

Self-disposing supramolecular materials with a tunable lifetime
To this day, recycling is the method of choice. But it is expensive: "So far, most man-made substances are chemically very stable: to decompose them back into their components, one has to spend a lot of energy," explains Job Boekhoven, professor of Supramolecular Chemistry at the TUM.