Jobs Oliver Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jobs Oliver)


(1 - 4 von 23

Google News: Apple's Jobs says 'onerous terms' kept Facebook ties out of Ping

[Apple Insider] - By Sam Oliver Apple's new music-related social network, Ping, is not tied in to Facebook because the website demanded "onerous terms" that Steve Jobs said

Guardian: Pop music as branding? Shh ...

[The Guardian] - Though Steve Jobs may be a genius, even he would have struggled to shift Ultra Vivid Scene albums – but each Vaughan Oliver 4AD design worked to create a

School meals snubbed - 'Jamie Oliver would choke on his pasta'
[Scotsman] - THE announcement that around 480 jobs are to go at Standard Life is undoubtedly another significant blow to the Capital's financial services sector.

40 neue Jobs in Aussicht
[Kieler Nachrichten] - Die Tätigkeiten sind vielfältig: Oliver Freimuth sägt das durchgetrocknete Brennholz zu ofengerechten Scheiben. Noch lieber fährt ... mehr Die Tätigkeiten
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