Johannes Hahn und German Person-Info 

( Ich bin Johannes Hahn)
(1 - 23 von 23

Commissioner Johannes Hahn on the Prospects of EU ... German Marshall Fund of the United States
On April 20 the German Marshall Fund in Washington hosted Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for EU Enlargements Negotiations and EU Neighbourhood, ... On April 20 the German Marshall Fund in Washington hosted Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for EU Enlargements Negotiations and EU Neighbourhood, ...

Macron on course for clash with Merkel over EU talks with Balkan...
French President Emmanuel Macron was headed for a clash with German Chancellor Angela Merkel this week after Paris was isolated on Tuesday in opposing starting...

Austrian EU Commissioner cleared of plagiarism
الويب8 ذو الحجة بعد الهجرة · Vienna University cleared of plagiarism Friday the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn, the latest figure in the German …